Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Control freak
Definitions(ADS Google):
In psychology-related slang, control freak is a derogatory term for a person who attempts to impose excessive predictability and direction on others or on events, often associated with insecurity or a lack of trust. Frequently, a person labeled a "control freak" has a position of authority or superiority in a relationship; however, the person's obsessiveness extends beyond the acceptable range of control.

A related concept is the neat freak, who seeks to achieve control over his or her environment by excessively cleaning and organizing. Severe cases of controlling behavior may be a feature of obsessive-compulsive disorder (ADS Google)

Him: Oh, I almost forgot; I think you should grow your hair out 3 inches.
Me: You're JOKING, right?
Him: No, I just think your hair's a little too short, and you should grow it out 3 more inches.
Me: I'm happy with my hair the way it is.
Him: Well, it's ok, it just needs to be 3 inches longer.
Me: No it doesn't.
Him: Why are you being stubborn?
Me: It's not being "stubborn" to refuse to let a total stranger dictate how long my hair should be.
Him: Yes it is.
Me: No, it's NOT, and I'm NOT going to grow my hair out, not 3 inches or any other amount.
Him: Well, I'm not willing to go out with anyone who won't agree to do a reasonable thing like grow their hair 3 inches.
Me: That's fine, because I'M not willing to go out with anyone who's so controlling that they need to dictate how many inches of hair another person has.
Him: I'm NOT being controlling, I just think you need to grow your hair out 3 inches.
Me: You're not just thinking it, you're trying to force me to DO it, and that IS being controlling, not to mention ridiculous; what difference could 3 inches of hair make one way or the other?
Him: Never mind

Definitions (ADS Wikipedia):
Betrayal, as a form of deception or dismissal of prior presumptions, is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract (trust, or confidence) that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. (ADS Wikipedia)

And when your controling, things goes out of hand, and of cuz the freak himself tends to control more. Betrayal makes individuals to hide things to themselves,at the mean time, they ( betrayals )create a small lil devil in their psychological thinking.This lil "devil" will bring doubts in every little actions / stuff others did to u. In cantonese they called it "heart sick".

This was me , This was my acts , This was my bad, Until something smacked me right at the face.

But this is me

U'll only HOLD when you MISSED something.
( Taken while the Iran fellow *back behind me* , asked Mr.Velu a 5min long question )

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